



photo credit: A Bag of Colors via photopin (license)



$ unzip -d Foo Foo.zip `zipinfo -1 Foo.zip | grep '^Path\\/To\\/Target'` 
  1. バッククォート内で、zipinfoコマンドを使って、全ファイル名を標準出力へ出力。-1オプションでファイル名(だけ)の出力。
  2. 同じバッククォート内で、パイプで標準出力をgrepへ渡して、正規表現で特定のパス以下のファイル名だけに絞り込み。
  3. その出力を、コマンド置換で、unzipのコマンドラインに展開して抽出。ここでは-dオプションは出力先ディレクトリを指定しています。無くてもいいけど念のため。

何が有り難いってバッククォートでのコマンド置換(標準出力をコマンドラインへ展開)。 さらに今回初めて知ったのですが、$(command) でも同じことらしいですね。


エクストラクター ポイズンリムーバー AP011
売り上げランキング: 230
posted with amazlet at 16.06.12
Carl Albing JP Vossen Cameron Newham
売り上げランキング: 574,097



$ unzip -h
UnZip 6.00 of 20 April 2009, by Info-ZIP.  Maintained by C. Spieler.  Send
bug reports using http://www.info-zip.org/zip-bug.html; see README for details.

Usage: unzip [-Z] [-opts[modifiers]] file[.zip] [list] [-x xlist] [-d exdir]
  Default action is to extract files in list, except those in xlist, to exdir;
  file[.zip] may be a wildcard.  -Z => ZipInfo mode ("unzip -Z" for usage).

  -p  extract files to pipe, no messages     -l  list files (short format)
  -f  freshen existing files, create none    -t  test compressed archive data
  -u  update files, create if necessary      -z  display archive comment only
  -v  list verbosely/show version info       -T  timestamp archive to latest
  -x  exclude files that follow (in xlist)   -d  extract files into exdir
  -n  never overwrite existing files         -q  quiet mode (-qq => quieter)
  -o  overwrite files WITHOUT prompting      -a  auto-convert any text files
  -j  junk paths (do not make directories)   -aa treat ALL files as text
  -U  use escapes for all non-ASCII Unicode  -UU ignore any Unicode fields
  -C  match filenames case-insensitively     -L  make (some) names lowercase
  -X  restore UID/GID info                   -V  retain VMS version numbers
  -K  keep setuid/setgid/tacky permissions   -M  pipe through "more" pager
See "unzip -hh" or unzip.txt for more help.  Examples:
  unzip data1 -x joe   => extract all files except joe from zipfile data1.zip
  unzip -p foo | more  => send contents of foo.zip via pipe into program more
  unzip -fo foo ReadMe => quietly replace existing ReadMe if archive file newer
$ zipinfo -h
ZipInfo 3.00 of 20 April 2009, by Greg Roelofs and the Info-ZIP group.

List name, date/time, attribute, size, compression method, etc., about files
in list (excluding those in xlist) contained in the specified .zip archive(s).
"file[.zip]" may be a wildcard name containing *, ?, [] (e.g., "[a-j]*.zip").

   usage:  zipinfo [-12smlvChMtTz] file[.zip] [list...] [-x xlist...]
      or:  unzip -Z [-12smlvChMtTz] file[.zip] [list...] [-x xlist...]

main listing-format options:             -s  short Unix "ls -l" format (def.)
  -1  filenames ONLY, one per line       -m  medium Unix "ls -l" format
  -2  just filenames but allow -h/-t/-z  -l  long Unix "ls -l" format
                                         -v  verbose, multi-page format
miscellaneous options:
  -h  print header line       -t  print totals for listed files or for all
  -z  print zipfile comment   -T  print file times in sortable decimal format
  -C  be case-insensitive     -M  page output through built-in "more"
  -x  exclude filenames that follow from listing